Résultats du groupe de travail EOSC Architecture
Jérôme Pansanel  1  
1 : Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien  (IPHC)  -  Website
CNRS : UMR7178, Universié de Strasbourg
23, rue du Loess - BP28 - 67037 STRASBOURG CEDEX 2 -  France

The EOSC Architecture Working Group proposes the technical framework required to enable and sustain an evolving EOSC federation of systems. Such a technical framework may include standards, APIs and protocols that will facilitate interoperable services delivered by diverse providers.

In order to fulfill the EOSC vision, an interoperability layer that allows to build the EOSC federation of systems

  • has to be defined
  • has to be agreed upon by relevant stakeholders
  • has to be developed through an open and transparent process.

It will be built on the results delivered by the EOSC-related Horizon 2020 projects.


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